Dimensions and Resolution
Artwork Dimensions and File Size
Check our product pages for available sizes. Safe zones for images and content
that you don't want trimmed off are 1/8" (0.125") inside the final size of your printed document. Bleeds should
extend 1/8" (0.125") beyond the trimmed edge. Please include crop marks to indicate final trim

If your art files reach or exceed 300MB there is most likely something wrong with how you produced
your file. Please revist the product page you are building the art work for and review the requirements for that
product. If you have questions about problems you are having with your print file please email your question to our offices and someone will contact you to try and help you
resolve the problem.
Your images and designs should be saved to 300 dpi
at 100% of the dimensions (1:1) at which they will print to ensure high quality printing
results. For large format printing files should have a
resolution of 150-200 dpi at 1:1. As a rule of thumb, the larger the format the lower the
resolution should be. Billboards can be reduced to as low as 22-55 dpi at 1:1. See Understanding Resolution for more info.