Digital Imaging
Digital imaging
You may create printed products using digitized images from a variety of
sources. Your designs, photos and images can come from a digital camera, scanner, or the Web. Any image you plan to
use must be saved at approximately 300 PPI (Pixels Per Inch) at 100% output size for the very best printing
results. In other words, determine the dimensions at which you wish to use your image in print. At that size, your
image must be at a resolution of 300 PPI.
For example, at 300 PPI a 1” x 1” logo should be at least 300 x 300 pixels, a
3”x5” photo should be at least 900 x 1500 pixels, and so on. If you use images at a lower resolution than this,
the quality of your printed piece will be affected. (See Understanding
Resolution for more information)
It’s helpful to know that shrinking an image will increase its resolution. For
example, an image captured at 600 x 900 pixels has 150 PPI at 4”x 6”. But it can be printed at 300 DPI by
reducing its dimensions to 2” x 3”. Increasing it more than 5-10% causes a resolution reduction below the
recommended 300 PPI and may result in poor image quality.
Images from a Digital Camera
If you wish to use images from a digital camera, before you snap pictures make
sure the camera is set at a high enough resolution to result in 300 PPI at the intended photo print size. Most
cameras have various settings for resolutions. the highest resolution for your camera depends on how many
Megapixels it has.
A photo taken at 1280 x 960 pixels will produce a good quality 4” x 3” image. If
you want your printed document to include a larger photo, you’ll need to set your camera’s resolution higher.
You cannot increase the resolution of a photo after it is taken, except by reducing its dimensions.
Be careful when cropping a photo after it is taken. Cropping will reduce the
number of pixels in the final image. For example, if you had the 1280 x 960 pixel image mentioned above, but
cropped it to about half its original size, you’d end up with a 640 x 480 pixel image. So now instead of being
able to use it at 4” x 3”, you can only include it at 2” x 1.5”.
Images from a Scanner
Like a digital camera, a scanner must be preset to the proper resolution before
image capture. Many scanners default to 150 PPI (or SPI). Set your scanner’s resolution so that it results in
300 PPI at the image’s final print size.
If your resulting scanned image is smaller than the recommended size or has less
PPI than you need, you should either re scan your original at a higher resolution, or use a smaller size of the
image in your document.
Images from the Web
Images found on the Web are typically at a resolution of 72 PPI. this resolution
is much too low for quality printing. In addition, most images on the Web are protected by copyright laws. For
these reasons, we do not recommend using images from the Web. However, if you have a low resolution logo or
design that you would like to have recreated at high resolution, please contact